2013年5月8日 星期三



    • 1
      Click the Windows "Start" button and select "Programs." Click "Administrative Tools" and then click "Group Policy Editor." This opens your GPO object console editor.
    • 2
      Click "Computer Configuration" on the left panel to expand a list of options. Click "Administrative Templates," "System," then "Windows Time Service."
    • 3
      Click the "Time Providers" key in the central pane. This is where you set the NTP group policy for your network users.
    • 4
      Double-click "Windows NTP Server." Enter your central server name you want to use as the NTP server. This is typically the domain controller for the network. Click "OK" to save the changes.
    • 5
      Close the GPO editor. It may take several minutes for the group policy to propagate on the network and your users' computers to synchronize with the central server clock.

Reference: How to Set a NTP Server Group Policy | eHow.com http://www.ehow.com/how_6764132_set-ntp-server-group-policy.html#ixzz2SgjDyIkV

oracle trace file [.trm] [.trc]

oracle version:11g

TRM Trace Files Getting Generated in 11g Database (Doc ID 750982.1)
Excessive Number Of Arc Trace Files Generated In 11g (Doc ID 754289.1)

Trace file in 11g belongs to ADR (Automatic Diagnostic Repository) you can manage it by using its Command Interpreter ADRCI:


It's possible to set the Purging Policy with the SET CONTROL statement:


You can purge Trace Files by using the PURGE statement:


In addition, to remove Traces Files in the "CDMP_" directories, you may use the Type UTSCDMP as follow. For instance, to remove Trace files older than 1 hour in "CDMP_" directories:
adrci> purge -age 60 -type UTSCDMP

reference: https://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?threadID=943615